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Unlike an official statistics database, the IFR data is generated by voluntary contributions from individual producers or national sector associations and should mainly inform the members of the association about general sector and market trends. 3 The IFR Database on Industrial Robots 3.1 Terminology and Data Collection Fifth, the report is rounded off by special features summarizing topical issues in the field of robotics. Fourth, case studies illustrate the profitability and practical benefit of industrial robots. Third, installations of industrial robots for the current and the following two years are forecasted. Second, country/regional reports explore the geographical distribution of industrial robots by analyzing their usage in single countries or regions. operational stock) per 10,000 persons employed. The IFR defines robot density as the number of industrial robots in operation (i.e. The main data source on industrial robots is the World Robotics Industrial Robots (WRIR) report that always contains five thematic blocks: first, the worldwide distribution of industrial robots is analyzed in terms of installations, stocks, and robot density. The IFR Statistical Department, located at VDMA in Frankfurt, publishes annual data on the worldwide robotics market since 1993. These are all typical tasks for an association that represents members of an innovative industry cluster, reaches out to the various stakeholders, and links them in joint activities such as trade fairs or conferences. The activities of the IFR cover the following four areas: 1) statistics, 2) market analysis and market expansion, 3) positioning and communication, and 4) networking. Its General Secretariat, first located in Stockholm and later in Paris, is based at the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) in Frankfurt am Main since 2008. The IFR was established as a nonprofit organization in 1987.

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The IFR is the international association of the robotics industry and of selected research institutes in the field of robotics as well as an umbrella organization of all national robotics associations. (2021) discuss further details and review the various applications of the dataset. Given the crucial role of the IFR dataset in research related to productivity and labor market effects of industrial robots, we see the necessity to present the IFR as well as specificities and limitations of its dataset. The two seminal papers by Acemoglu/Restrepo (2017, 2020 and Graetz/Michaels (2018) as well as many that followed use a special dataset on industrial robots that is compiled and published by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR).

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The academic research on the economic and social transformation induced by robot adoption in industrial production is booming.

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